2 results for month: 12/2024

How to Get People to Sit in the Front Row

If you’ve ever given a presentation, you’re probably familiar with the (awkward) sight of an empty front row. You’ve worked hard to prepare your content, but when your audience arrives, they scatter to the back, and it can feel like you’re speaking to a distant room, which makes engaging with your audience much more challenging. So, how do you fix this? There is a simple tactic that can help fill those empty seats up front and create a more engaged audience: get to the auditorium early, and personally invite the 5-10 of the firstcomers to sit in the front. It’s a straightforward approach, but it works wonders. Why it works The ...

Streamline Your Scientific Presentations: Always Start on Paper

One common mistake that many scientists make when creating presentations, images, and posters is jumping straight into the software. When faced with the need for a scientific figure, the instinctive reaction is often to open Illustrator or Biorender. Similarly, when preparing a presentation or poster, PowerPoint becomes the immediate go-to tool. Though it might be tempting to start with digital tools, this approach can actually slow you down. The Problem with Going Digital First Softwares provide an abundance of options: 50 different line widths and types… 100 typefaces… 1 million colors… Gradients… Shadows… This excess of choice ...